Monday, December 09, 2013


I love to be in the midst of the action. I love to close my office door and enjoy quiet times. I'm really in between.
I value empathy, harmony and forgiving. I value logic, justice and fairness. I'm really in between.
I desire to be appreciated. I desire achievement and accomplishment. I'm really in between.
I believe feelings are valid only if they are logical. I believe any feeling is valid, whether it makes sense or not. I'm really in between.
I am often contented. I am often restless. I'm really in between.
I sympathize with people and would tell a white lie to avoid hurting their feelings. I tend to be unbiased and direct when I analyze people's problems, even if this might hurt their sensitivities. I'm really in between.
I like to pick up new skills. I get bored easily after mastering skills. I like to use and refine existing skills. I'm really in between.
Work first, play later. Enjoy now, finish the job later. I'm really in between.
I value imagination and innovation. I value realism and common sense. I'm really in between.
I truly enjoy living in the present moment. I like to make a sacrifice in the present when I can see that it will improve things in the future. I'm really in between.
I am planned and structured. I am spontaneous and vague. I'm really in between.
I think first, then act. I act first, then think. I'm really in between.

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